Command line arguments

We provide 2 main scripts to run the analysis of differential RNA modifications as the following.


  • Input

Output files from nanopolish eventalgin. Please refer to Data preparation for the full Nanopolish command.

Argument name Required Default value Description
–eventalign=FILE Yes NA Eventalign filepath, the output from nanopolish.
–out_dir=DIR Yes NA Output directory.
–gtf_path_or_url No NA GTF file path or url used for mapping transcriptomic to genomic coordinates.
–transcript_fasta_paths_or_urls No NA Transcript FASTA paths or urls used for mapping transcriptomic to genomic coordinates.
–skip_eventalign_indexing No False To skip indexing the eventalign nanopolish output.
–genome No False To run on Genomic coordinates. Without this argument, the program will run on transcriptomic coordinates.
–n_processes=NUM No 1 Number of processes to run.
–readcount_max=NUM No 1000 Maximum read counts per gene.
–readcount_min=NUM No 1 Minimum read counts per gene.
–resume No False With this argument, the program will resume from the previous run.
  • Output
File name File type Description
eventalign.index csv File index indicating the position in the eventalign.txt file (the output of nanopolish eventalign) where the segmentation information of each read index is stored, allowing a random access.
data.json json Intensity level mean for each position.
data.index csv File index indicating the position in the data.json file where the intensity level means across positions of each gene is stored, allowing a random access.
data.log txt Gene ids being processed.
data.readcount csv Summary of readcounts per gene.


  • Input

Output files from xpore-dataprep.

Argument name Required Default value Description
–config=FILE Yes NA YAML configurtaion filepath.
–n_processes=NUM No 1 Number of processes to run.
–save_models No False With this argument, the program will save the model parameters for each id.
–resume No False With this argument, the program will resume from the previous run.
–ids=LIST No [] Gene / Transcript ids to model.
  • Output
File name File type Description
diffmod.table csv Output table information of differential modification rates. Please refer to Output table description for the full description.
diffmod.log txt Gene/Transcript ids being processed.


  • Input

The diffmod.table file from xpore-diffmod.

Argument name Required Description
–diffmod_dir Yes Path of the directory containing diffmod.table.